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Coronavirus and hunger: WFP ready to assist largest number of people ever


Latin America at centre of concerns as invisible enemy hits countries beset by climate change and conflict
Yemen: World’s worst hunger hotspot risks further decline, say UN agencies


WFP urgently needs US$737 million to continue to deliver food assistance until the end of the year
High cost of healthy diet puts billions at risk of malnutrition, says food security report


Nutrient-rich foods are priced out of the reach of people in the poorest countries
Coronavirus in Honduras: ‘This pandemic is going to starve us’


World Food Programme provides cash transfers, in-kind food baskets and hygiene kits as 250,000 are pushed into hunger
Haiti and coronavirus — it’s not just the food, it’s feeling safe


There are countless ways to spend $75 in the village of Grande Rivière, in northern Haiti. Whether food, medicine, chickens or goats, all…
Coronavirus: WFP take-home packs are a lifeline for schoolchildren in Laos


World Food Programme nutrition is eliciting smiles
小路由器走红网络 可提高网速且能“翻墙” - cnr.cn:2021-8-12 · 路由器市场产品质量参差。 小路由器走红网络戳中中国宽带市场“网速慢、资费贵”的痛处 就在许多人抱怨当前宽带“网速慢、资费贵”的怪象时 ...


People are facing unprecedented levels of hunger as multiple shocks hit the war-torn country
Malawi: ‘My biggest fear is coronavirus will keep the school closed’


暗扣话费、挖矿木马、勒索病毒……这些网络黑产要当心 ...:2021-8-16 · 为非法牟利,这家公司搭建木马平台,发展下级代理商近3500个,通过网吧渠道、“吃鸡”外挂、盗版视频软件等投放木马,非法控制用户电脑终端389 ...
Yemen: Responding to coronavirus in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis

方正电子2021字体时尚秀广州开幕:百款新字发布,服务 ...:2021-7-17 · 在发布会上,方正电子还发布了全新的用字服务模式“字+”,这个全新的电脑客户端,将为用户提供更便捷、高效的用字服务。“字+”,是方正字库为设计师打造的字体获取、使用和管理工具,是方正2021年推出的“方正字酷”电脑客户端的全新升级。

While recorded infections are low, the pandemic is believed to be sweeping across the country undetected
How one forward-looking idea turned into a global support network for humanitarians

How one forward-looking idea turned into a global support network for humanitarians

微信工作群突然加进陌生人?业内人士:可能用了加群软件 ...:2021-6-21 · 近日,市民吴女士遇到了一件蹊跷事——她所在的微信工作群突然加进来一位陌生人,微信界面显示其通过扫描吴女士分享的二维码加入群聊。但 ...
World Refugee Day: How a Congolese family found a new life in Kenya

World Refugee Day: How a Congolese family found a new life in Kenya

They escaped violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017 — with newly acquired farming skills, optimism is back
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